In Manifest’s first season (2005) we presented GREEN, an exhibition about environmental consciousness. As public and scientific awareness about the state of the planet has grown ever more poignant, and as the relationship of civilization to the fate of the biosphere has grown more clear, so too has our methods for expressing concern, conveying cultural imperatives for better action, and explaining the situation and potential solutions in compelling ways. Four domains comprise the organizing principles of Sustainability: ecology, economics, politics and culture.

In general terms Sustainability is about endurance. In many ways the present cultural dilemma around the topic may be the fulcrum on which our specie’s fate rests.
Manifest is interested in how artists address this definitive topic, either directly through the subject matter, content or form of their work, or indirectly through less obvious but still relevant means.

$36 for up to three entries submitted. $10 per each additional entry. Number of entries is unlimited. Fees are non-refundable. Entry fee must be paid by U.S. check or money order made payable to MANIFEST, or by credit card via PayPal.(If paying by PayPal PLEASE use the paypal link provided on the page that follows the submission of the online entry form.)
What is my fee used for?
Manifest is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and state-funded charitable organization operated by artists, for artists, with no reserve or endowment. All proceeds from entry fees fund project-related expenses. Not unlike paying a fee to enter a marathon race, this democratically enables our organization’s projects to happen. For over a decade Manifest has earned an international reputation for producing quality exhibits, and benefitting the artists involved over time, on its meager budget. Our board of directors and small dedicated staff work hard to make involvement with Manifest projects well worth the effort and cost to do so. It is important to note that this jury fee is the only cost charged by Manifest for participation.

The average number of works submitted to a typical Manifest project is 3. Some artists choose to submit more, especially if they have a couple different bodies of work which they’d like our jury to consider, or if they have a suite of works that are interrelated. While we have absolutely no minimum number required (other than one), nor do we give an advantage to those who submit more, it is helpful to have a few options to select from. Our jury often gains insight into one work by seeing it in context with a few others by the same artist. And we do routinely accept pairs or sets of work by artists once they are determined to be a finalist.

If for any reason you submit the entry form (linked at the top and bottom of this page) more than once, only the most recent form will be retained in our system. All previous forms will be deleted. If you decide to submit additional work later, you’ll need to submit a new form containing ALL the works for the exhibit.

Detail images should only be included if truly necessary for understanding the nature or quality of the artwork and these files must be named as instructed below.


Manifest’s selection process involves a complex two-part system. This exhibit will be juried by an anonymous 5-9 member panel of professional and academic advisors with a broad range of expertise relative to art and design. The jury will then pass along their recommendations to the exhibit curator who will make the final selections from the jury-approved pool. (Read more about Manifest’s jury process here.)
For more information click here.