MCC Annual General Meeting

January 7, 2018



To: MCC Members
From: Keith Oliver, President

Join us for a celebration of the year that was!

All MCC members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting, to be held:

Sunday, January 7, 2018, 2 pm
at C2 Centre for Craft
1-329 Cumberland Ave, Winnipeg MB

Registration begins at 1:30 pm, Business Meeting at 2 pm 

Agenda for the meeting:
a)  Approval of Minutes, 2016 Annual Meeting
b)  Report of the Board on 2016-17
c)  Presentation of the Auditor’s Report
d)  Director’s Report
e)  Election of directors to serve on the Board
f)   Any new business
g)  Special Screening of Lakeland Public Television’s Common Ground episode produced as part of MCC’s recent Shards exhibition featuring KC Adams and Niki Little working with experiential archeologist Grant Goltz
h)  Adjournment
i)  Refreshments

Material for the Annual Meeting will be circulated closer to the meeting date and printed copies will be available at the meeting.

Nominations for the Board are welcome – we need your participation.  Please download and fill out the form here to apply to join the MCC board.

Please find below a proxy form – if you are unable to attend the meeting, you can still participate in the important decisions being made by providing your proxy (your authority to vote) to someone (a member in good standing) who can represent your vote at the meeting. This proxy form must be signed by you, and specify the person you elect as your proxy. This person can be of your choice, and they should bring your signed proxy with them to the meeting, or you can elect Board members Seema Goel, Vice-President or Sherri Van Went, Secretary, and submit your proxy, as follows:

DEADLINE: 4:30 PM Friday, January 5, 2018 if you are electing Seema or Sherri. You can mail or drop off your completed proxy form to Manitoba Craft Council, 1-329 Cumberland Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1T2 or send as an email attachment to [email protected].  Alternately, you can elect another MCC member (in good standing) who will be attending the meeting, giving them your completed and signed proxy form, so they may vote on your behalf.