The Art of Managing Your Career Spring 2018 is now open for applications! The Course is designed to address the need for business training for anyone with an existing arts practice including actors, craftspeople, dancers, filmmakers, musicians, new media content creators, visual artists, writers and the like. If you are a self-employed artist, or looking to increase the portion of your employment derived from your art, then this course is for you!
The workshop gives working artists the confidence and knowledge to successfully manage their careers or businesses in the cultural sector. The workshop material has been designed at a college/university level and is applicable to artists from all disciplines.
The workshop begins by exploring the attitudes and behaviours that may make it difficult for artists to recognize their transferable skills. It then builds components of a business plan and other self-promotion tools. A peer learning network will be established to support the participants once the workshop has been completed.
By the end of this course, you will have developed an extensive business plan, a marketing plan, and have a template for managing your finances, all while pursuing your artistic dreams!
Course participants will be expected to:
Attend 12 scheduled sessions on March 6, 13, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 from 6:30–9:30 pm
Participate in group activities during the sessions.
Complete assignments between sessions.
Commit to participating in the peer learning network that will be established during the course.
Become a member of Creative Manitoba
Participate in program evaluation sessions.
Organize and participate in a First Fridays in the Exchange event.
For more information click the link HERE