AANM Micro Grants for Artists with Disabilities of 400$ are available to help AANM members with creative projects in all art disciplines and professional development. Let us know how we can help you to achieve your artistic goals! Do you need art supplies? To hire a web designer to improve your art website? Rent studio space? Take a workshop? We are looking for proposals from artists’ in all disciplines at all levels of their careers!
These micro grants are intended to help artists with disabilities with financial support during these uncertain times to continue to create and improve their artistic practice. Adjudication will be based on your proposal for creation (what you want to make and what you need to make it) and/or your professional development plan (what you want to do to move your practice forward).
-Must be AANM member (contact Jenel Shaw at info@aanm.ca to learn about membership or go to https://aanm.ca/join-aanm-today/)
-Must be an artist with a disability
Deadline: February 28, 2021
Amount: 5 grants of 400$
The application process is quick and easy! Simply go to https://forms.gle/HzE8gGJQGfTmujSZ8 to apply. If you need any assistance with your application or would like feedback ahead of time about your proposal contact Jenel Shaw at info@aanm.ca or (204) 3360-2366.