2021 Made in the Middle Craft Market

Made in the Middle Craft Market

Sponsored by the Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library

And Hosted at Manitoba Hydro Place

 Date: Friday, December 3, 2021, 10am – 4pm

Set up will be on Friday, December 3, 2021, 8am – 10am

Location: Manitoba Hydro Place, 360 Portage Avenue

 Sales Items

  • The Made in the Middle Craft Market is a sale of unique, non-mass produced, handmade items.
  • Artists residing in Manitoba will be given first consideration.
  • All items considered for sale will be subject to a jury process.
  • We will not consider the following for sale in the Made in the Middle Craft Market:
  • Food or Candy
  • Cosmetics or Scented Materials
  • Commercially Made Items
  • Weapons or Drug Paraphernalia

Table Fees

$60.00 – 8” table

Sales Space

Each vendor will have one 8’ table and a limited amount of space beside the table.  Details regarding space layout will be made following the selection process.

All vendors must maintain and staff their booths for the full hours of the sale.  Failure to do so may result in   non-inclusion in the Made in the Middle Market in future years.


The event will be publicized by the sponsor and the host. Vendors may advertise to their customers and in their communities using promotional materials provided by MCML.


While every effort will be made to ensure adequate security, neither the Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library nor Manitoba Hydro are responsible for lost or stolen items. All vendors are responsible for their own insurance.

 Cancellation Date

The cancellation date is November 4, 2021. Any vendor who withdraws from the sale after this date forfeits their table payment.

Submission and Notification Dates

Submission Deadline: September 24, 2021

Notification: Applications will be notified of selection by October 20, 2021.

 For more information contact 204.615.3951 or [email protected]

Apply Now:


Made in the Middle 2021 Entry Form – to print, fill in, email/mail