MCML Workshop: Beaded Wall Pocket

Beaded Wall Pocket Workshop

Saturday March 29 and April 12, 2025 | 12:30pm – 3:30pm

Duration: 6 hours

During this workshop, participants will design and make a small beaded wall pocket On the first day participants will design their work and start the beading. On the second day participants will assemble their wall pocket.

Participants will probably need to use the two weeks between the first and second days to complete the beadwork at home and on their own time. They will leave the first session with all the supplies and equipment to work independently.

Participants in this workshop should have basic hand sewing and beadwork skills (either single needle and double needle technique).

This workshop is being offered at a reduced cost due to a grant which is subsidizing the registration fee.

About the Instructor – Jennine Krauchi

I create Metis beadwork.  I use beadwork as a connection to my culture by exploring our lost art.  Many of these works are found in the archives of several museums around the world.  My method uses a two needle technique.  My designs are a combination of the old and the new.  This requires sourcing vintage beads, ribbon and wool (for a few) of several types and colours.  The designs likewise are a combination of old and new but are always connecting from one flower to the next.  Stories are told here that draw from our ancestors and our culture.  When making something for someone, I will get information about that person and incorporate that information into their design which makes the object very personal.

All of my designs are derived from our Metis history and culture and strive to tell the story of our struggle and our ancestry.  We are known as the “Flower Beadwork People”.

Register for the Beaded Wall Pocket Workshop

Registration for this class has reached capacity. Please contact [email protected] for waitlist options. Our apologies and thank you.


Please note: there are already 16 people on the wait list.