Crafting Wellness—Mind + Body…at a Cost

Crafting Wellness – mind + body looks at the work of contemporary artists who engage in craft practises as part of their art making.  Work is examined and presented in the context of its impact on the maker, which may be physical, psychological, or emotional; and how that manifests itself in their artistic expression. The exhibition celebrates craft in art making, while recognizing there is a cost.  

Five artists are represented: fabric artist Ingrid Lincoln, potter Alan Lacovetsky, multi-media artist Takashi Iwasaki, Métis beadwork artist Jennine Krauchi, and cast glass maker Sacha Kopelow.    

Viewers are encouraged to contemplate this stunningly beautiful work with a fuller awareness of the impact its creation had on the artist and understand the balance between where craft is restorative and therapeutic, and where its impacts are detrimental to wellbeing.  

Curated by: Leona Herzog

Featured Artists:

Jennine Krauchi

Alan Lacovetsky

Sacha Kopelow

Takashi Iwasaki

Ingrid Lincoln

Research Contributors:

Dr. Sari Hannila

Barry Trentham PhD


Thank you to The Winnipeg Foundation and Winnipeg Arts Council