The Glass Art Association of Canada will award one GAAC member a half tuition scholarship to attend a Pilchuck workshop of the recipient’s choosing in the summer of 2016.  GAAC’s Pilchuck scholarship funds will cover half of the total fees (program fee + utility fee) for the selected artist, which covers everything except travel and any extra supplies needed. Winning the GAAC Pilchuck award does not exclude the recipient from applying for other Pilchuck scholarships. The course catalogue is available on the Pilchuck website. This website will give more information about each course and the instructors. You can also browse the Program Catalogue.

How to apply

We will only be accepting electronic submissions. Please send the following items as attachments, in one email to [email protected] with the subject line reading “2016 Pilchuck Scholarship
Submissions are due before 11:59pm on January 10, 2016
Submission Requirements:
In one PDF document with the following four (4) pieces of information:
1)    Your name and contact information (email address, mailing address and telephone number).
2)    A short explanation (max. 500 words) of why you want to take the class and how you think it will help you and your work.
3)    An image list including the Title, Date, Materials and Dimensions of each image in your application.
4)    The name of the class you want to take (session #, course name and instructor name)
Attachments to your email: Three to five images of your recent work (save images as 72 dpi jpegs and 640 pixels in the widest dimension)
For more information click here.