April 9, 8pm-midnight
Bord-Aire Community Centre
471 Hampton Street, Wpg
It’s time for a Good Ol’ Manitoba Social – a Good Ol’ Manitoba Craft Social that is! The Manitoba Craft Council and the Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library are thrilled to be announcing their partnership on developing a new hub for Craft in Manitoba. Doesn’t every “marriage” need a “wedding social”? And so, the Craft Social is born.
Mark your calendars on April 9th to get your Craft on for an evening of fun!
A Craft Auction sponsered by Wolseley Wool
Activity boothssponsered by Tara Davis Studio Boutique
Music by DJs Kelly Ruth and Roy Liang
Food, dancing and more – the perfect way to celebrate and support Craft in our province.
Funds raised will go to help the two organizations with the renovation of space for the new Craft hub.
The space is wheelchair and transit accessible, so get ready to celebrate this unique partnership and raise some cash for Craft.
Want to help out as a volunteer or contribute a piece of your work to the Craft Auction? Go here for details.