Two Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prizes, in the amount of $50,000 each, are awarded annually to distinguished individuals (one in the arts and one in the social sciences and humanities). The prizes are intended to encourage continuing contributions to the cultural and intellectual heritage of Canada.
The prizes are funded by an endowment from the Molson Foundation, and they are administered by the Canada Council for the Arts in cooperation with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The winners are chosen by a peer assessment committee, which is appointed jointly by the Canada Council and the SSHRC.
The prize is valued at $50,000.

By nomination only.
These prizes are for individuals. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, as defined by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. They do not need to be residing in Canada.
To be nominated, candidates must have made a substantial and distinguished contribution over a significant period. In the words of the deed of the gift, the prizes are intended “to encourage Canadians of outstanding achievement in the fields of the arts, the humanities or the social sciences to make further contribution to the cultural or intellectual heritage of Canada….” These terms of reference are interpreted as follows:

  • candidates must have clearly demonstrated “outstanding achievement” in order to be nominated
  • “further contribution” indicates that the candidates should still be active and productive.

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