Art Jewelry Forum, the world’s foremost platform for critical thinking about contemporary jewelry, is now accepting proposals for articles and reviews to be published on our website.

Pitch us your ideas, send us your abstracts, tell us what you’ve been thinking about—loosely related to all things jewelry, of course.

Before submitting your idea, please review AJF’s Website Standards, which includes compensation, possible issues arising from conflicts of interest, image copyright information, and general responsibilities.

You are welcome to contribute to ongoing series that already exist on the website:

One on One: An in-depth look at a single object from the writer’s unique perspective, this series is on its 19th article and we hope it continues.
One on Two: A comparison of an object from the jewelry world with an object from another field: design, visual art, performance, etc. This series is a great way to contrast different ways of thinking about similar objects.
Lessons: What do you consider outside of the field that informs your jewelry practice? This series looks at what can we learn from other fields.

In addition to broad, general article/essay ideas, there are also specific types of articles that need your voice to grow and contribute to the community:

Letter to the Editor: For when you disagree with something you’ve read on AJF and want to directly address a previous article in a personal and thoughtful polemic.
Lectures: If you’ve given a formal lecture that was filmed and you’d like to add your literal voice to AJF’s lecture archive, submit it.

Last, reviewing the events, book, and exhibitions within the field is necessary and criticality is key:

Exhibition Review: Write a critical, insightful review of a major jewelry exhibition
Conference & Fair Review: Share your experience of an event you’ve attended.
Book Review: We love book reviews!

Remember, AJF is a platform for critical thinking and reflection about contemporary jewelry, and not a place for promotion, so press releases, artist statements, and internally generated reviews of books, events, and exhibitions will not be accepted. Please reference the website standards for potential conflicts of interest.

The submission application is always open. However, the editorial advisory committee meets four times a year to select future content. To be reviewed, submit your ideas by these dates:

June 1
September 1
December 1

So … what are you thinking about? What have you seen/heard/experienced that drove you to put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard? AJF wants to know, AND we want to share your writing with an audience dedicated to all things related to jewelry.
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For more info, click here.