One Million Stars to End Violence is a peaceful global weaving project that that encourages people to be the light and kindness they want to see in the world.

I started One Million Stars to End Violence in 2012 as my personal response to the rape and murder of a young woman in my community.​

It was a difficult time for our community and I was moved by people’s kindness and compassion and by Dr Martin Luther King Jnr’s words of being light and love in the world. I decided that the star was a perfect symbol to inspire light, hope, courage and solidarity so I sent a message out on Facebook and invited the world to join me in weaving stars with the hope creating an installation of one million stars by 2018.

In February 2016, I partnered with the Queensland Government and together we are making this one million star installation dream a reality as part of Festival 2018 during the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.

The Queensland Government have also engaged Human Ventures to support individuals, groups and Star Weave Communities to make and send one millions stars and the Museum of Brisbane to design a spectacular one million star installation at City Hall in Brisbane.

Part of the vision of the Commonwealth Games Federation is to build peaceful and sustainable communities globally, providing opportunities for communities to participate in the Games even if they can’t make it along to the sporting event. One Million Stars is the perfect way to be part of this event by weaving and submitting stars to be featured in the installation which will be amazing.

Individuals, groups and Star Weave Communities around the globe have been weaving stars – many of them have taking the project on as their own and tailoring it to support many different social causes that are important to them. Other’s use star weaving as a craft activity or a mindfulness practice that has no social agenda. The beauty of this project is that it has no boundaries, as long as the underlining goal is to make stars for peace. ​

Anyone can get involved. Individuals are invited to Star Weave Solo in the comfort of their lounge room and groups and communities are invited to host Star Weave Jams by gathering friends, family, neighbours and colleagues their home, studio or workplace to weave together. Star Weave Jams are creative and relaxing spaces that allow us to connect, talk and heal. The aim is to bring people together to experience the joy of making, build relationships with others and make positive memories.

The one million star installation will mean different things for different people but my personal hope is that the installation allows men, women children regardless of race, gender, culture or belief feel like they are part of a community and world that cares. I hope that the sight of one million stars shows just how much we can achieve when we work together to create change and that it inspires a sense of hope, pride and belonging in our communities.

Send in your stars now and help us reach our goal of one million stars by July 2017.

​For more info, click here.