Summer Virtual Scavenger Hunt

While museums are still closed for a while longer this summer we can still connect virtually. Complete our summer virtual scavenger hunt between July 7 and September 1 and be entered for a chance to win a crafty prize pack. Find handcrafted items in your home and neighbourhood, answer craft-related questions, and make a craft yourself!

To be entered in the draw for a Craft Prize Pack, complete the scavenger hunt and submit your photos, and question answers by September 1, 2021.


MCML Summer Virtual Scavenger Hunt List

  • Find a handcrafted item in your home and take a picture of it.
  • Go on a walk in your neighbourhood, find a natural material that is used in making craft, and take a picture of it.
  • Find a fabric that has an interesting pattern or texture and take a picture of it.
  • Watch the Toys & Games | Uncovering the Collection video on MCML’s YouTube channel and answer this question: Who made the Jenny doll?
  • Watch the Paper Quilts | Make it at Home video on MCML’s YouTube channel, make one of the paper quilt patterns, and take a picture of it.

Submission Process

  • Complete all tasks on the scavenger hunt list.
  • Submit your photos and question answers by emailing them to [email protected]. To be entered in the prize draw all photos and answers must be submitted by September 1, 2021.
  • A winner will be randomly selected on September 3, 2021.