First Friday Mending Drop-In

Bring your clothing and fabric accessories in need of repair to the C2 Center for Craft for a visible mending drop-in! Clothing repair is an invaluable skill, and it is never too late to learn! This session is open to everyone at any level of sewing experience; from beginners to experts, who would like to learn some new mending techniques. All materials and tools will be provided and an instructor will be on hand to answer any of your repair questions. Just bring yourself and your fabric items that need a little TLC!

Mending is the process of repairing clothes with imperfections from being well-worn. The practice has seen a renewed interest in recent years and with the aid of social media had developed an active and welcoming community that promotes slow and intentional fashion consumption.

Please ensure that your items are freshly washed before they are brought in. This is important both for the mending process and for courtesy’s sake.

Instructor’s Bio:

Theresa Shaw is a textile artist who incorporates new, vintage, and repurposed textiles into unique modern quilts. Shaw has been a sewist all her life, and turned to quilting in 2012, as a means of storytelling and healing. Her fibre art gives voice to feelings of loss and renewal and the search for home and belonging. Having recently returned to Winnipeg after 32 years, she is establishing her art practice and finding her community.

Admission is free. Please consider a $5 donation if you are able.