Call for Submissions: Post-Secondary Student Craft Trunk Show

The C2 Centre for Craft Shop is pleased to host a Student Holiday Craft Sale featuring post secondary students working in craft based media. 

Our goal for this event is to provide a venue for students working in craft media to connect directly with the public, generate revenue from the sale of craft work, and introduce a new audience to the C2 facility. 


Deadline: October 30th, 2023

Submit HERE


Eligible work for this show includes anything handmade or created using craft materials and techniques. Items may be one of a kind artworks or functional items. Examples of craft media include: ceramics, beadwork, textiles, metalwork, printmaking on handmade paper or textiles, jewelry, woodworking, and bookbinding. 

Ineligible work: drawings, paintings, photography, assemblage sculpture, digital prints, edible/consumable items, body care products, etc.

Show Information
Date: November 24th from 4-8pm
Install: November 24th 2pm onwards

Deinstall: 8-8:30pm

What is provided by MCC: A table, tablecloth, chairs, light refreshments for visitors and vendors, packaging materials for purchased items such as gift bags and boxes, promotional materials and marketing of the event, cash float and point of sale system to process payments with cards.

Students will receive marketing materials to promote the sale through their own channels.

All accepted vendors must have a student membership to the Manitoba Craft Council. You do not need a membership to apply, but one must be purchased in advance of the sale to participate, at a cost of $30. The student membership requirement is in lieu of a table fee and has membership benefits beyond participation in the sale. See membership information here:

We will process all payments through our point of sale system and issue payments for artists within 10 days of the sale. Artists will be paid 80% commission for all works sold. The 20% held by the MCC is to pay for packaging materials and costs of marketing materials, fees for point of sale system, etc. 

Artists or a representative of the artist would need to be on site for the full duration of the sale.



Preferred Name:
Given Name (if different, for issuing cheques post-sale):

Mailing Address:

Phone Number:
Email Address (main form of communication):

Artist Bio:
Attach 3 images of work that is representative of work in sale:

Questions: Contact [email protected]

Submitting Through Google Forms:
– Google forms will send you a copy of your submission to the entered email address once you have submitted. 

Please note: It can a couple of minutes for a submission to go through via google forms if your images are quite large. Wait for the page to change to a message “Your response has been recorded.” If you do not receive this message, please confirm with our office that we received your application.

–   All submissions will be confirmed via email confirmation from an MCC staff member by October 31st. Please contact us if you do not receive a confirmation email